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2004-2005 Published Sequences

Below is a table of the sequences of clones from the WSSP C. remanei DNA Library that were analyzed during the 2004-2005 project year and published on the NCBI sequence databases. To connect to the published report page of your clone, either click on the clone link name or go to the NCBI Cross-Database Search page, and paste in the name of the clone.  If you forget your clone name, type in: "<your last name> AND remanei" into the search box.  The links will either be to the Nucleotide, EST, or Protein databases.   

To cite these sequences in resumes and college applications, we suggest you use the following format:
01AMR2.12 WSSP Duckweed cDNA library Landoltia punctata cDNA clone, similar to thioredoxin F-type 1, mRNA sequence. Martinez,A., Levin,H., Mead,J., NCBI, May 24, 2013.  Accession# JZ356973

East Brunswick High School, NJ

14B-10, 4C-17, 9D-14

Holdmdel High School 14D-1-04
James Caldwell High School, NJ


Montville Township High School, NJ 7A-6-4, 14C-14-04, 14B-18-04, JS-32, 14B-11,   
The Pingry School 15C-4-04