The 2023 WSSP Summer Institute (SI) was held at the Waksman Institute, Rutgers University from July 5 to July 14, 2023 for 25 students and 3 teachers. The goal of the SI is for students and teachers to learn the background and methods on how to conduct a research project in molecular biology and bionformatics. Students and teachers use this information to lead the research project in a class or club setting at their high schools during the academic year. Participants learned how to purify DNA from a cDNA plasmid library of the duckweed Landoltia punctata. They then analyzed the plasmids by PCR, restriction digests and agarose gel electrophoresis. These DNA clones were sequenced and students performed bioinformatic analyses by searching the scientific databases to determine if their DNA sequences code for proteins and then investigated function of these proteins in the cell. Below is a list of students who participated in the program and the cDNA plasmid clones they isolated, analyzed and published on the NCBI DNA sequence database. (See below how to properly reference these sequences.)
Images of WSSP 2023 SI students and teachers working in the lab
School # | School Name | Student Name | Clones |
004 | East Brunswick High School | Ali Khan | 04ABK2.23, 04ABK5.23, 04ABK7.23, 04ABK8.23 |
006 | Hillsborough High School | Hailey Desai | 06DH5.23, 06DH6.23, 06DH7.23 |
009 | John P. Stevens High School | Ashrith Kollu | 09AK5.23, 09AK6.23, 9AK7.23, 9AK8.23 |
011 | Montville Township High School | Victoria Tam | 11VT1.23 |
015 | Rutgers Preparatory School | Promit Mukhopadhyay | 15PM1.23, 15PM2.23, 15PM5.23, |
018 | Watchung Hills Regional High School | Janna Han | 18JH1.23, 18JH2.23, 18JH3.23, 18JH4.23, |
019 | West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South | Shravani Gote | 19SG1.23, 19SG2.23, 19SG3.23, 19SG1.23, |
038 | Hackettstown High School | Michela Leiser | 38ML1.23, 38ML21.23, 38ML4.23, 38ML6.23, |
049 | Piscataway High School | Rishi Patel | 49RP2.23, 49RP3.23, 49RP6.23 |
095 | Jose Marti STEM Academy | Axel Perez | 95AP2.23, 95AP3.23, 95AP4.23, |
105 | North Brunswick Township High School | Nathan Mathias | 105NM1.23, 105NM3.23, 105NM4.23, 105NM5.23, |
109 | New Providence High School | Brandon Le | 109BL1.23, 109BL2.23, 109BL3.23, 109BL4.23 |
112 | Kinnelon High School | Sonia Haasner | 112SH2.23, 112SH3.23, 112SH4.23, |
114 | Toms River High School East | Julianna Isabelle Batin | |
115 | Toms River High School South | Violet Martini | |
117 | Columbia High School | Eden Philippe | 117EP3.23, 117EP4.23, 117EP5.23, 117EP6.23, |
118 | Monroe Township High School | Nishan Nayak | 118NN1.23, 118NN2.23, 118NN3.23, 118NN4.23, |
119 | South Plainfield High School | Vanessa Huynh | 119VH1.23, 119VH4.23, 119VH5.23, |
121 | Toms River High School North | Josh Girtain | 121JG7.23 |
122 | West Windsor Plainsboro High School North | Hira Usman | 122HU1.23, 122HU2.23, 122HU4.23 |
130 | Metuchen High School | Suhani Modha | 130SM1.23, 130SM3.23, 130SM4.23, |
133 | UCVTS: Academy for Allied Health Sciences | Monica Manescu | 133MM1.23, 133MM2.23, 133MM3.23, 133MM4.23, |
139 | Morris County School of Technology | Jason D. Garber | 139JG1.23 |
140 | Howell High School | Keyla Arellano | 140KA1.23, 140KA2.23, 140KA3.23, 140KA4.23 |
142 | Kent Place School | Sophia Gandhi | 142SG1.23, 142SG5.23, |